During his stay in Gorakhpur, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath followed his traditional routine at the Gorakhnath Temple on Friday morning. He began his day by worshipping Guru Gorakhnath and then paid his respects at the ‘samadhi sthal’ of his guru, Brahmalin Mahant Avedyanath.
Gausewa is an integral part of CM Yogi’s daily routine whenever he is at the Gorakhnath Temple. On Friday morning, he visited the temple’s Gaushala, spending time with the cows. As he walked through the Gaushala, he called the cows by their names, his voice was instantly recognized by them.
Hearing his affectionate call, several cows came running to him. CM Yogi lovingly stroked their foreheads, caressed them, and personally fed them jaggery.
The Chief Minister also inquired about the health and nutrition of the cows from the Gaushala workers, issuing specific instructions to ensure their well-being during the cold season./GW/